We truly enjoy each project and believe we always have something new to learn, with each client comes new challenges and possibilities. Here we share some of the projects we have done together with our collaborating clients. Curious about more or want to see cases from a specific field of business? Just drop us a line.

Towards a more customer centric telecom industry

Our client is one of the leading providers of Information and Communication Technology ;-), with about 40% of the world’s mobile traffic carried through their networks. Even though the technology is mind-blowingly advanced, with engineering excellence and a quest for easy, this company is determined to develop solutions that are not only game changing but also intuitive and easy to use. This company has already implemented agile as a methodology and is now interested in starting to use design thinking as a way to bring in the customers into the development work.

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Service design at the heart of business

Every year approximately 15 million people around the world suffer from stroke. This implies that cardiovascular diseases are one of the prime causes for death on a global scale and the underlying reason for a fatal outcome is commonly a too late diagnosis. Coala Life has developed a new unique digital solution that enables people with heart problems to register their heartbeat, ECG and heart rate on their own. This means that, with this technology, heart problems can be detected on an earlier stage and be treated in time, thus saving lives. But just like with your heart, you don't want to risk anything before launching a new solution. Therefore, Expedition Mondial was given the assignment to help Coala Life better understand their users needs, expectations and context before launching the solution on the market.

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Teaching Service Design in Nairobi

Background: As part of a capacity building initiative by the Rockefeller Foundation and UN Women, Expedition Mondial was in charge of designing and delivering a week long course in Customer Journey Mapping at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture & Technology (JKUAT) in Nairobi, Kenya. 

The purpose of the course was to give the students tools and methods for understanding the customer perspective in product, service and system development processes. Furthermore the course taught the students how to build a platform for collecting, visualizing, pinpointing and communicating insights and customer needs. This in order for the students to ensure they create desirable solutions that truly fit the user's context and meet their expectations.

The course resulted in a one week in-depth experience of service design, giving 30 master students customized tools for understanding customer needs in their future work as agricultural experts. Four of the students were also given the chance to participate as research assistants in a service design research project performed within the same initiative founded by the Rockefeller Foundation.

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Västtrafik involves citizens to make public transportation easier

Västtrafik is the regional agency responsible for public transport in Västra Götaland region in Sweden. Today the public transportation is divided into more than 70 different zones. In order to make it easier for citizens to take public transportation,  Västtrafik now wants to update the zone system and make it more simple to understand. To adress this challenge Västtrafik asked Expedition Mondial to help them understand the concerns and expectations of the citizens, creating a foundation for a strategically important decision on the future system. The project was performed in collaboration with Intermetra Business & Market Research Group.

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Unionen is improving their digital advisory support together with their members

Background: In a survey among the members who have been calling the Swedish trade union Unionen for advisory support, 60% of them had first tried to find help at the union website. The reason why they decided to call the support was that they could not find the right help online or that they did not trust the general information given on the platform to be relevant for them as individuals. This is the reason for why Unionen wanted to develop their online platform in order to meet the needs of their members to more easily access relevant individual information, instead of calling the advisory support.

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Co-creating the new entrance at the Vasa Museum

Background: Many things have changed since the Vasa Museum was build in 1987, today Sweden's most visited museum. The museum has since seen a continuously increase of the amount of visitors, a more digitally mature public and a different security situation in the society. Hence, the museum is faced with new expectations and requirements that needs to be met in order to create a good and safe museum experience. In 2016 the Vasa Museum consulted Expedition Mondial in a service design project where the scope was to look at the holistic visitor experience of the museum. The entrance area was distinguished as highly important, as it plays a central role for the visitor both in the beginning, during and in the end of a visit to the museum as well is a work space for many of the employees of the museum. Together with the National Property Board of Sweden (SFV) and the house architect Pär Ahlbom, the Vasa Museum therefore decided to reconstruct the entrance at the museum. Expedition Mondial was hired to make an evaluation of the suggested alternatives for a new entrance, based on the experience, needs and challenges of both visitors and employees.

The purpose of reconstructing the entrance area is for the museum to achieve a better visitor flow with good accessibility, a pleasant work environment and a high degree of security. Within this project, the purpose of the evaluation was for the museum to understand how the different entrance alternatives, given by SFV and the house architect, was affecting and contributing to the experience of the main stakeholders (visitors and employees). Also to ensure that no significant needs where discarded and that the employees were engaged and involved in the co-creation process.

The project resulted in a co-created need analysis of the suggested alternatives, together with the employees, management and visitors at the Vasa Museum. The need analysis resulted in a suggested concept for the new entrance, accentuating guiding principles and stakeholder needs that a new entrance is proposed to meet in order to achieve a positive and improved visitor and employee experience. The visual need analysis and concept were given to the museum as a base for their continuous decision making process together with SFV and the house architect, on how to go forward in the project.

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